Month: January 2017

We’ve got to all come together and understand that we are connected,
Don’t you remember when we were brought out of Adam all perfected?
We’re all waiting on the Messiah, to gather us together at Mount Zion,
But if we can’t learn to love each other, why would the lamb lay down with the lion?

We’re running out of time, soon we won’t be able to turn back the clock,
Don’t worry this could never start World War III, we’re just invading Iraq.
Once we strike first, every other nation can justify their own desire,
History can then tell the story of how we set the world on fire.

Man’s been asking the question all along, does God create evil,
He didn’t have to create it-he just created people.
Everything that’s good in life comes from God’s merciful hand,
And everything that’s evil is done by the hand of man.

If Mecca is the supreme example of unity in diversity for Muslims, America is the Mecca for the world. That is why so many people make the pilgrimage to this country. America is the country where people of all religions, ethnic backgrounds, cultures and nationalities must demonstrate, by working in unison, that we are a community that improves the human condition and brings people closer together in harmony and unity, instead of contributing to more death, destruction and division. America is the country that can show the rest of the world that the most diverse nation on the planet with people who are different from one another in every conceivable way can live together in mutual respect and admiration and have a better society to show for its efforts. I believe that America is the last great social experiment of history and we the people are its subjects. I pray for the sake of all human kind that we are up to the challenge.

he says, “While marijuana remains illegal in Texas, decriminalizing marijuana has been taken up by various states while other states have legalized the drug for medicinal reasons. While I have long contended that legalizing marijuana would be harmful to our society, I remain aware of the sensitive and emotional nature of the legalization/decriminalization debate.

H.R. 667, the Veterans Equal Access Act, would make it easier for qualified veterans to access medical marijuana in states where it is legal. Supporters of this bill believe medical marijuana could be used as an alternative prescription for veterans suffering from chronic pain, and assist in a veteran’s recovery from mental health conditions such as post-traumatic stress.”

he says, “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulates controlled substances, such as marijuana and medical pharmaceuticals. Since the laws governing these drugs are federal laws, the state of Texas is obligated to follow federal law. Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution is referred to as the “Supremacy Clause.” Under the Supremacy Clause federal laws made pursuant to the Constitution are the supreme laws of the land and states are bound to follow those laws. Furthermore, in any conflict between federal and state law, the federal law must be applied.”

she says, “Legalizing personal marijuana use and possession is becoming more of an issue as more and more attention is being drawn to it. While it is still currently banned at the federal level, several states have or are trying to legalize it. I; however, believe that the legalization of marijuana for recreational use would have lasting harmful effects on our communities. As a physician, I believe habitual marijuana usage can be damaging to families and have personally witnessed patients who have suffered long-term health effects from smoking marijuana. This aspect of the issue needs to be considered carefully as there are many aspects involved, and I will take all information under advisement before making any decisions. I will continue to place emphasis on evidence-based research.”

We dumped artificially inexpensive corn on our neighbors. This sufficiently disrupted their livelihoods that they made an economic decision to emigrate to a land with greater opportunity. After advantageously extracting the value of their labor arbitrage due to their undocumented status, we are more comfortable granting personhood to the corporations that helped create their economic migration in the first place in preference to those emigrants who came here because of it. And then our final politically expedient solution is to return them to their original homeland where their burden is no longer our responsibility.

I know the plant and earth medicines work for service trauma as I have gone to Peru and Mexico with other veterans where we have successfully used ayahuasca, ibogaine, 5-Meo-DMT and other plants to treat PTSD with the help of shamans, healers, facilitators and doctors and of course one another. Veteran love is the best medicine. Veterans have learned and recent studies have shown that the highest correlating factor for contracting PTSD from military service is childhood trauma. The medicines help veterans achieve self-love, self-acceptance and self-forgiveness. This healing allows for veterans to reintegrate in to society. These outputs of the war machine who swore an oath to defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic, who signed their lives away on the dotted line and have not renounced their oath, who are trained in lethal force and are seeking belonging and a calling to a higher purpose, can take their rightful place in society as peaceful warriors showing the rest of humanity a way forward.

In 1988 US Drug Enforcement Agency, Chief Administrative Law Judge Francis Young determined: “Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within a supervised routine of medical care. It would be unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious for DEA to continue to stand between those sufferers and the benefits of this substance in light of the evidence in this record.”